Depends on how old it is
Not enough information. What date? If it's after 1960, it was a current circulating coin worth about 70 cents at the time France switched to the euro in 2002. If it's older than that, please post a new question with its date. FWIW, "cinq" means five in French, so "cinq 5' is "five five"
Cinq cents francs 500 f
$1AU = approx 4 francs
i have 500,francs.how mush is it in dollars
"cinq" is French for "five" so more information is needed. Please post a new and separate question with the coin's date, what country issued it, and whether the denomination is in francs or centimes.
The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.
1 Swiss Frank is equal to Pakistani Rs.96.3018 today on 21-05-2012
Vingt-cinq ans de bonheur - 1943 is rated/received certificates of: France:U (Visa #775)