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Increase the feelings on independence, decrease the willingness to accept unfair, tyranical rulers.

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Q: How might the ability to own weapons change the outlook of ordinary citizens?
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The introduction of cheap iron weapons meant the ordinary Greek citizens could arm themselves. How might the ability to own weapons change the outlook of ordinary citizens?

Firstly, most of the panoply of arms to qualify as a warrior remained bronze - the armour and helmet. The steel spearhead was just better than the bronze one. And none of it was cheap. More important citizenship depended on the full panapoly of arms, which could be inherited, bought or taken from a fallen enemy. So the ordinary citizen got his status from one of these methods. The ordinary citizen, who was an armoured warrion, was also a farmer, who was prepared to fight to protect his livelihood. So they were part of a community which banded together to defend their properties. Thus the city-state depended on its citizens, and the citizens depended on the city-state to provide the power of the combined citizen-soldiers and the sanctuary of its walls. Government came to be exercised by these soldier-farmers as they held ultimate response power. The distribution of power became a negotiable compromise between the aristocracy and the farmers on whom they relid.

should citizens in US be banned to have assault weapons?

should citizens in usa be banned to have assault weapons

What caused the constitution to add the the firearms firearms?

The Constitution does not address firearms- it addresses "arms"- meaning weapons. When written, defense of the country- against internal or external enemies, was based on the ability of the citizens at large to resist- by force- which requires being able to keep and carry weapons. The citizens in general were the body of the "militia".

What is the purpose of the second amendment?

The second amendment was passed to ensure that the citizenry would always have the ability to oppose a tyrannical government.

What roman soldier used the ballista?

As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.As far as is known, the ordinary miles used the balista. Part of a soldier's training was in using the siege weapons as well as the hand weapons.

What does bearing arms mean?

Bearing Arms refers to the ability to control and operate weapons. In the 2nd amendment refers to the ability to have weapons with no abridgements to possession.

What rights for citizens are in the second amendment?

The right to keep and bear weapons.

Can you give me more on obama s gun policy please?

Contrary to a number of internet myths, the president supports the second amendment. But he believes, as many Americans do, that we need to have a conversation about how to prevent gun violence. He also believes that ordinary citizens do not need assault weapons with extended clips. But he supports the rights of citizens to protect themselves and has never opposed hunting or sport shooting.

Why are weapons dangerous?

Weapons are dangerous because the possession of one allows a person an increased ability to harm others or oneself. In essence however, weapons in and of themselves are not dangerous, the operator is.

The second Amendment is controversial because it can interpret to mean that citizens have the right to?

Bear arms. (have weapons)

What weapons gave the Union the ability to defeat the South in the civil War?


How did the iron ages change the people?

The ability to make weapons made of iron