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Probably only the one that had been built just before the Nagasaki bombing but had not yet left the country when the Japanese surrendered.

While the Manhattan Project had plans and facilities to make a total of 24 atomic bombs by the end of 1945, after the war ended the priority to continue operating these facility dropped. Declassified documents show that actual production in 1945 was only 5 atomic bombs and of these 3 had already been detonated (i.e. Trinity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki) resulting in a stockpile at the end of 1945 of just 2 atomic bombs (i.e. one produced before the surrender, one produced after the surrender).

Even as late as 1947 when the Manhattan Project came to an end and the Atomic Energy Commision took over the stockpile was only 13 atomic bombs, and none of these were complete they were just kits of parts that would have to be assembled by hand in the field by an assembly team of trained specialists over a period of 3 days before the bomb could be used. The Atomic Energy Commision also discovered that no such assembly teams existed and there were no plans to train people in the specialized skills they would need to work on these assembly teams.

When President Harry S. Truman was informed of all this by the Atomic Energy Commision it is said that his face turned completely grey! Since the end of the war he had been concentrating on balancing the Federal Budget by gutting the conventional military and depending 100% on atomic bombs to defend the US... and now he essentially was informed that he had neither a conventional nor a nuclear defense!

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Q: How many nuclear bombs did the US have after the Japanese surrender?
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How many nuclear bombs?

there were two types of nuclear bombs. A "gun type" bomb and an implosion type one with a plutonium core

How many nuclear bombs have been dropped?


Should atomic weapons ever be used?

No. The two used in WWII were not necessary. The Japanese were already trying to figure out how to surrender. The Americans were just impatient and had this shiny new toy they wanted everybody to know they had. Second Answer: The atom bomb was used to "save millions of lives" and to motivate the Japanese military to surrender. It is not correct that the Japanese Military and governing body were trying to figure out how to surrender. They were not willing to surrender. There was even a plot to stop the Emperor Hirohito from surrendering. The plot failed thankfully. Hirohito saw the total destruction done by two atomic bombs. He knew the US could have more. However, he was more afraid of the million strong Red Army fighting the Japanese in Manchuria and were coming to the main island of Japan. The bombs were motivation for Hirohito but he admitted it was the Red Army that scared and motivated him more. He had taken a vow to protect Japan. So he chose to surrender (atom bombs or not, Red Army or not). His problem was the Japanese Military staunch idea of NEVER surrendering. He told them he had to save Japan because of his sacred vow. Another concept people need to think of when considering weather or not the atomic bombs should have been used. The Japanese had created nuclear dirty bombs and were working to make large atomic bombs. The Germans had started out to create some atomic bombs but ended up helping Japan. Therefore many Americans are extremely glad the Americans finished the race to make the atomic bombs because they would have been used by Japan or Germany. A million Allied Forces were extremely grateful not to have to invade the main island of Japan.

How many nuclear bombs were made in the cold war?


How many nuclear bombs have been use in war?


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Why did America attack japan with a nuclear bomb?

The port cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear-bombed to stop the War without invading Japan (Which was about ready to be done when the bombs were dropped) which saved millions of Allied and Japanese lives. A number of Japanese Navy officers after the Japanese surrender expressed their approval, as their Army was not about to surrender until everyone in Japan was dead. A lot of people do not realize that many more Japanese were killed in the ongoing bombing of Tokyo with conventional weapons, than were killed by both nuclear bombs.

How many Japanese cities to the US help with nuclear bombs in world war?

The 2 they bombed-Hiroshima/Nagasaki

How did the way Japanese fought in the Pacific affect the decision to use the atomic bomb against japan?

The Japanese were expected to fight to the last man (and woman). This meant that the casualties, especially on the American side, would be astronomical. By dropping two atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese were forced to surrender, before the American forces had to fight their way on to the Japanese mainland. Though the bombs were terribly destructive weapons, and killed many Japanese, with many dying later from radiation sickness, because the bombs forced the Japanese to surrender, actually many Japanese and American forces survived the World War II in Asia.

How many nuclear bombs per week US builds nuclear bombs?

At this time the US builds no nuclear bombs. A small number of existing bombs are refurbished as needed.

How many nuclear bombs were tested on Easter Island?

No nuclear bombs were tested on Easter Island.

Why did the us drop bombs on Hioshima and Nagasaki?

Many American war veterans from World War II would say that the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to save millions of American servicemen who would otherwise have to invade the Japanese Homeland. The stated intent prior to Victory in Europe was to develop an atomic bomb before the Germans did so. Once the Germans were defeated the stated purpose changed. Some believe that the real reason for dropping the bombs was to punish Japan for the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.

How many times did the US and USSR come to engaging in nuclear war?

none The only "nuclear war" ever fought was in August 1945 when the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Japan had no atomic bombs so all they could do was surrender. It was rather "one sided" and it ended WW2.

How many nuclear bombs does Australia have?

none, australia is not a nuclear power

In August 1945 the US used two atomic bombs against what nation?

The two bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively. They forced the Japanese to surrender, and though the bombs were a terrible weapon, they did save many American lives. It was considered that the loss of American lives, as they fought ever closer to the Japanese main islands, would be terrific.

How many nuclear bombs has Australia built?

Well, to my research there hasn't been any nuclear bombs, Aussie has built.

Where were nuclear bombs created?

in many places

How many nuclear bombs do the iraqis have?
