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At the Battle of is known as the bloodiest battle for both sides of both the Union and Confederacy.


April 6, 1862 through April 7, 1862

Death Toll for Confederacy

Dead - 1,723

Missing - 959

Death toll for Union

Dead - 1,754

Missing - 2,885

The battle of Shiloh took place in Tennessee NOT Pennsylvania
About 10,000 casualties on the Union side (the exact number is 13047), with 10699 on the confederate side. It was a Union tactical victory, but the Union lost more men.

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Q: How many men died in the Battle of Shiloh?
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How many Union soldiers died in the Battle Shiloh?

More than 1,700 men died

How many people died in the Battle of Shiloh?

Each side lost about 1,700 men killed.

How many people died at the Battle of Shiloh?

There was about 1, 700 people that dies on both side. The Union and the Confederate.ANSWER:The Battle of Shiloh (also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing) was fought on April 6-7, 1862.The Confederacy had about 10,700 men that were wounded or dead.The Union had about 13,000 men who were wounded or dead.

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ANSWER:apex= The Battle of AntietamThe bloodiest battle of the American Civil War, was the Battle of Shiloh (also known as Pittsburg Landing).The Battle of Shiloh, named after a church on the battlefield, is where many men from both sides would meet their God.After the battle was over, neither side cared anything about the title of winner or loser. After Shiloh, the South never smiled.

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