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Rarely are missiles tested with actual nuclear warheads. It would be utter foolishness and very dangerous to do so before the missile was tested and proven reliable first. The warhead(s) are usually replaced with radio telemetry devices or a satellite, during development testing of the missile, to verify its performance and reliability. This makes it very easy to codevelop a peaceful rocket for launching spacecraft and a military ICBM in the same project, if you already have or are developing nuclear explosives.

Just think of the warheads the US could have put on Apollo Project type Saturn-IB boosters had we so chosen to use them as ICBMs!

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Q: How many countries have tested nuclear missiles?
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How many nuclear missiles were developed by the US?


How many nuclear missiles did the Soviets set up in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

i know 6 SS-4 Nuclear missiles

How many countries have nuclear missiles?

Maybe 7 countries. USA, Russia, UK, France, China , India and Pakistan. Note: I am very sure USA, Russia ,India and Pakistan has nuclear missile. The rest of them is what I think because they are nuclear power, they can do it. North Korea had a failed test during July 2006, hence it should not be considered as one of the country with nuclear missile. Israel wise is unconfirmed.

How many nuclear weapons were tested at the Bikini Atoll?

There were 23 total nuclear weapons tested at Bikini Atoll between the years of 1946 and 1958. These nuclear weapons caused a great amount of radiation to be leaked into the surrounding areas.

Who was the first to create the nuclear missile?

An ICBM, or an intercontinental ballistic missile is what most news media, historians, and military officials refer to when they say "nuclear missile".The short answer is that the Soviet Union was the first to begin the tests for nuclear missiles (faster than the U.S. by around 26 days), but an actual working nuclear missile model was developed and deployed by the two countries around the same time: 1959.To put it simply, both the United States and the Soviet Union were tied in the race to make the first working nuclear missile.Now, Soviet Union's prototype missile, known as 8K71, was tested on May 15, 1957, while the United States tested its own (the SM-65A Atlas) on June 11, 1957. But by this point the time difference doesn't matter, because both countries knew about each others' plans for nuclear missiles and were actively spying one another, so being the first to make one didn't give anyone an advantage. Also, both countries quickly retired their first nuclear missile models because they rushed the project and ended up with many flaws.As for the finished products, the Soviet Union's first working ICBM was the R-7 Semyorka, while the United States' first ICBM was the SM-65D Atlas.

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How many nuclear missile are there in china and India?

India is estimated to have about 80-100 nuclear missiles. And China has an estimated of 300+ nuclear missiles.

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How many nuclear missiles did the Soviets set up in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

i know 6 SS-4 Nuclear missiles

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No nuclear bombs were tested on Easter Island.

How many nuclear missiles did America have in the cold war?

At the highest number, it was less than 1500, with 1000 of these Minuteman missiles.

Does the US military have a nuclear bomb?

they have nuclear missiles. and they have many powerful explosives. and yes massive bombs.

How many nuclear weapons used?

Only two have been detonated as acts of war, in Japan in 1945. Hundreds have been tested in the atmosphere and thousands have been tested underground by several countries.

How many countries have nuclear missiles?

Maybe 7 countries. USA, Russia, UK, France, China , India and Pakistan. Note: I am very sure USA, Russia ,India and Pakistan has nuclear missile. The rest of them is what I think because they are nuclear power, they can do it. North Korea had a failed test during July 2006, hence it should not be considered as one of the country with nuclear missile. Israel wise is unconfirmed.

Why did Makhail Gorbachev ban the missile doodlebug?

Mikhail Gorbachev banned many types of missiles as part of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with the United States. The goal of eliminating these missiles was to slow the arms race between the United States and Russia and allay the fears of other European countries.

How many nuclear missiles to destroy all trace of human life?

Wat would u like 2 no?

What happened to the missiles when the Cuban missile crisis was over?

the missile sites were dismantled and the missiles returned to the USSR and many people thought that kennedy saved the world from nuclear war on the other hand others thought that khrushchev saved the world from nuclear war

How many nuclear weapons were tested at the Bikini Atoll?

There were 23 total nuclear weapons tested at Bikini Atoll between the years of 1946 and 1958. These nuclear weapons caused a great amount of radiation to be leaked into the surrounding areas.