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Q: How many Australian people died in the World War 2?
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How many people have died in the Australian floods?

i am not too sure but i think 20 people have died and 12 people are missing.

How many Australian soldiers died in World War 2?

39.800 Australian Soldiers were killed during WW2.

How many people have died in 2009 from car crashes?

WHO KNOWS HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED actually around the world 1.6 million teens crash a year and there are 2.1 million crashes a year. The Australian amount now please.

How many Australian troops died in World War 2?

There was 39,800 Australian military deaths and 700 civilian deaths.

how many people are on the world and how many people have died?

2 million people have died, and 2.milion people are in the world.

How many people died from smoking in Australia in 1998-1999?

I don't know exactly how many people died but 15% of all australian deaths were related to smoking. I hope that is OK.

How many people died in the entire world in 2017?

Approximately 56.9 million people died in the world in 2017.

What were the effects of concentrations camps in world war 2 and how did they effect Australia?

Regardless of whose concentration camps they were Australian or Japanese they left many people physically and psychologically scared. Leading to situations that the Australian health system would have to deal with until they died out.

How many people died in 2011 and 2012 in world?

23,693,103 people died that year

How many people died on the trip to the New World?

135 people died on the Mayflower voyaging to the New World

How many people registered for Oprah tickets for the taping of the Australian show?

As far as i am aware it was 350,000 people world wide

How many people have died in Australian gold mines?

There were sooo many diseases that people died from in the gold rush, such as carpet burn sindrome, knits, testicular cancer, STD's something that you have hahhahah lick me!