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very inportant as they made most of the wepons and bombs.

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Q: How important were women to ww1 eventual victory?
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Why were women important during ww1?

Women were extremely important during World War I. Since the men were off fighting, the women were needed for labor in the factories. They also were nurses and drove ambulances to care for the soldiers.

Who started making victory gardens in WW1?

President Hoover

Why did they have dig for victory?

They did dig for victory because during ww1 most stuff was destroyed and they did dig for victory so they could grow food.

How did World War 1 lead to the Womens Suffrage?

ww1 never lead to women suffage the suffage had been there before ww1

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Who persuaded Italy into wold war two?

Hitler told Italy he'd bring thim to victory because Italy loss ww1. Hitler told Italy he'd bring thim to victory because Italy loss ww1.

How was women treated after WW1?

like princess

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Why was the involvement of women in World War 1 so important?

women were seen to be good for house work and looking after the family-WW1 showed the world that women were just as motivated, capable, intelligent and successful at the jobs traditionally associated with man

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Which battle was the first major victory for american troops in ww1