

Best Answer

Well, for about a hundred years it didn't change at all. Then it started.

This looks like a question after a reading assignment or thought exercise where you're pretending to be a slave or slaveowner or ... someone else who was actually alive at the time of the Civil War. Without information about who "you" is supposed to be, we can't possibly answer it.

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Darrion Blick

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2y ago
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Q: How has your life change since the war?
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Ok thank you

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Me and you dont know(;

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How has your life change since the civil war?

Well, for about a hundred years it didn't change at all. Then it started.This looks like a question after a reading assignment or thought exercise where you're pretending to be a slave or slaveowner or ... someone else who was actually alive at the time of the Civil War. Without information about who "you" is supposed to be, we can't possibly answer it.

Does war kill who you are?

If you are strict and like discipline it will not change you but if you like to be fun and live your life then its not a good idea to be in war