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it helps more people die

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Q: How does technology in world war 2 help today?
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What new technology was used in World War 2 THAT you still used today?


What are some technology's that you used in world war 2 still used today?

Pressurized cabins on today's airliners were used on B-29 Superfortress's.

What were the technology and tactics in World War I?

theres no technology in world war 1 lol :)

How did radar technology help soldiers fighting in World War 2?

How? Beacause it was telling the soldiers where the piolits were

How did the ending of World War 2 help us today?

One war less is always a good thing.

What would be a good concluding paragraph for World War I technology?

that is why technology and tactics had there own purposes in world war 1

What is better A modern day Marine or a World War 2 soldier?

Technology has made today's battlefield easier to survive on, but it still requires boots on the ground to win a war.

How did the Vietnam war affect younger generations of today?

not only the war and the development of technology around the war but the resistance to the war at home. also there are a lot of homeless vets out there today.

What is the help of technology to us about?

how much is a world war 2 deutschesreich stamp with number twenty on it worth postmarked and in fair condition

How did World War 1 help World War 2?

technology, many weapons were invented during WWI, by WWII they had been refined and some countries had learned modern battle tactics to suit.

What three technology the axis used in world war 2?

The 3 key technology the Axis used during World War 2 are:TanksGunsBombs

What was World War 1 known for?

World War I was the first war to incorporate modern technology into fighting techniques.