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Q: How does Paul describe the fair-headed recruits On the novel all quiet on the western front?
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Which country was the western front located?

The Western Front was located in France and Belgium during WW1. The term was coined during the First and Second World War to describe the contested armed frontier.

How was Sgt Himmelstoess received when he arrived at the front?

not sure but i think they started mocking and humiliating him in front of the new recruits

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When was On the Western Front created?

On the Western Front was created in 2004.

When was Western Front Society created?

Western Front Society was created in 1973.

Who fought in western front?

The British and the French fought with the Germans on the Western Front.

Who fought in the Western Front?

The British and the French fought with the Germans on the Western Front.

What awas the western front?

France was the western front which is German first attack Franch front of west..(Talking about WWI)

When was East Lynne on the Western Front created?

East Lynne on the Western Front was created in 1931.

Erich Maria Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front is a notable piece of war literature because it?

Answer this question… refuses to describe war as heroic or glorious.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Western Front - 2002?

The Western Front - 2002 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

What was worse the western front or the eastern front?

Western, the had the Battle of Verdun and Somme which were the worst battles of WWI.