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Q: How do Malays came to the Philippines?
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Who are the third group of people came in the Philippines?

The Malays. they are the third group of people who came to the Philippines. they used the Land bridges to reach the Philippines.

Are there Malays in the Philippines?

Yes, there is a community of Filipinos with Malay ancestry in the Philippines. The term "Malay" is often used to refer to the ethnic group of Austronesian people in Southeast Asia, including Filipinos. The Philippines has a diverse population with influences from Malay, Chinese, Spanish, and American cultures.

What is the largest ethnic group in the Philippines?

ilocano <---- not this, its Christian Malays

What are some races that come to the Philippines?

Some races that come to the Philippines are the Indonesians, Malays, Japanese, Spaniards and the Americans.

Why Filipinos are being called Malay?

Filipinos are called Malay because the majority of the population in the Philippines is descended from Austronesian tribes, who are part of the larger ethnic Malay race. The term "Malay" is used to describe a broad ethnic group that includes people from various Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines. Additionally, the Malay language is one of the official languages of the Philippines.

Where are the origins of malays?

The origins of the Malay people can be traced to the Malay archipelago, which includes present-day countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and parts of the southern Philippines. The Malay people are descendants of Austronesian-speaking populations who migrated from Taiwan and settled in the region around 4,000 years ago.

Who is the first official religion of the early Filipinos which introduced by the Malays?

Filipinos followed a number of religions. Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism were the main religions being practiced by Filipinos. Because the ancient Malays were Buddhists and Hindus. Malay and Arabs spread Islam to the Philippines, thus turning the Philippines into an Islamic state. Until the Spanish reached the Philippines, and converted 95% of the population to Catholicism.

Why American came to the Philippines?

why american came to the philippines?

Are Filipinos Malay race?

Yes, Filipinos are considered part of the Malay race due to their shared ancestry with Austronesian ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. Malays, Filipinos, and other ethnic groups in the region share cultural and genetic similarities, which are often referred to as Malay traits.

What are the contributions of Malays to Philippines?

Most of Filipino culture is of ethnic Malay background. Filipinos, are known for eating with their hands which is a Malay tradition.

What is religion of Malay?

malays are Muslims in general but there are reports that there are some non Muslim malays..these are labeled "murtad" malays.

Who is the first people came from the Philippines?

the first who came in the philippines is the secret..