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Q: How did wounded knee massacre end?
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Which event marked the end of the Indian wars?

Battle of Wounded Knee.

What was the last major event of the Indians war?

Wounded Knee Massacre

Wounded Knee marked the end of what conflict?

The Wounded Knee Massacre on December 29, 1890 is usually considered the end of the "free Indian".

What ended at the massacre at wounded knee?

The massacre at Wounded Knee was the last battle of the American Indian Wars.

What caused the Massacre at wounded Knee?

The Massacre at Wounded Knee was caused by the federal government attempting to forcefully remove the Native Americans to reservations. The Massacre at Wounded Knee occurred on December 29,1890.

Where did the wounded knee massacre take place?

Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota

What did wounded knee signal?

The Wounded Knee Massacre signaled the end of all resistance from the Sioux Nations and on the Great Plains. It was a symbol of the destruction of Native American life.

What marked the end of the wars between federal government and the plains Indian?

the massacre at Wounded Knee

When was the battle of Wounded knee was fought when?

The Wounded Knee MASSACRE occurred on December 29, 1890.

What was the significance of wounded knee?

The wounded knee massacre is considered the ending of the "free Indian" in 1890.

Where was the battle at wounded knee fought?

It was never a battle. It was a massacre. It was over by Wounded Knee Creek.

What state did the wounded knee take place?

The Wounded Knee Massacre took place at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota on December 29, 1890