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The Transportation and distibution of supplies going from City point to the Petersburg Front evolved as follows:

1 - An already existing railroad was properly repaired allowing the flux of reinforcement and supplies from City Point up to the front, linking the Union Headquarter and the logist base to the entrenchments.

2 - Behind those and side by side was built a new military railroad which allowed the quick displacement of men, artilleries, munition and supplies from one to the other point of the front.

3 - At City Point were built large piers and jetties for the berthing and docking of the ships, warehouses and barracks.

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Q: How did transportation and distribution of supplies going from City Point to the Petersburg front evolve during the course the siege?
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What was the strategy to cut off Japanese supplies and to capture key islands during World War 2?

During world war 2, the immediate course of action for preventing Japan from getting supplies was to carry out submarine tours near the south. Ships that were believed to be carrying items meant to supply Japanese soldiers were often torpedoed down.

Why was the continental congress alarmed by the capture of fort ticonderoga?

The British took Ticonderoga, which meant they controlled Lake Champlain and had a straight shot into New England. It also gave them an unimpeded line to Canada for supplies. Of course Congress would be alarmed after another loss like that.

How did the policy of containment contribute to the Berlin Blockade?

We gave food and supplies to West (west, or east, i think its west) Berlin. Since Germany banned us from going in and driving supplies to them, we decided to get creative and start airlifting the supplies to them. This was of course, to keep W. Berlin from falling to Communism, which the other half of Germany was. Oh yeah, and the Berlin wall was put up, so people could not go to the W. Berlin area (coming from E. Berlin), however you could go to E. Berlin (coming from W. Berlin).

What kind of transportation was available in the 1900s?

At the beginning of the 1900's, the most common forms of land transportation were the railroad and the horse. Well, and on foot, of course. On American rivers, the steamboat was still very much in use, but was fading in popularity. At sea, the great ocean liners and steamships were very common. The airplane was invented in 1903. The automobile had been invented in the late 1800s, but was not yet in widespread usage. By the end of end of the 1900s, it was airplanes for anything longer than a 5-hour drive, and sometimes for those as well. Passenger ships were still popular for recreation and entertainment, but very few people sailed from here to there. Cars are still extremely common, of course.

How do you become a sniper in the Irish army?

You apply for a sniper course through the orderly room and then you MIGHT get a placment on a sniper course. 3rd hardest course in the Irish Defence Forces You apply for a sniper course through the orderly room and then you MIGHT get a placment on a sniper course. 3rd hardest course in the Irish Defence Forces

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