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they cleaned alot in the kitchen

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Q: How did the woman help the soldiers at Valley Forge?
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Who drilled the troops at Valley Forge?

Friedrich von Steuben, a former army officer from Prussia, came to help General Washington at Valley Forge. He drilled the soldiers at Valley Forge with military discipline and procedure. He spoke little English, so he had aides translate his speech to the soldiers. He turned the troops at Valley Forge from a disorganized, un-experienced, fighting force into a uniform, efficient army.

What was important about the Valley Forge battle?

There was no battle at Valley Forge. The winter of 1777-1778 there is important because General Washington (with the help of Baron von Steuben) got the revolutionary soldiers trained in military tactics. This helped them in later battles.

Which document did George Washington help write after he spent the winter at Valley Forge?

The united states constitution.

What happened that caused Valley Forge?

The Victory at Saratoga and the promises from help from Europe boost-ed American morale. Even so, Washington's Continental Army had to face hard times as it suffered through the long, cold winter of 1777-1778 at a makeshift camp at Valley Forge.

Did the wealthy philadephians know that washingtons troops at Valley Forge were starving?

Yes, but they had no incentive to do something. Some were Quakers who refused to aid soldiers because they didn't believe in fighting. Others were loyalists. There were also merchants trying to make a living and the British were paying them for services. And those who wanted to help were probably disuaded by the British soldiers with guns scattered across the city.

Related questions

Did Martha Washington help the soldiers at Valley Forge?

She was a noteworthy figure at the winter encampment who brought aid and comfort to the troops encamped at Valley Forge.

How did Baron von Steuben help General Washington at Valley Forge?

He trained the soldiers.

Who drilled troops at Valley forge?

Friedrich von Steuben, a former army officer from Prussia, came to help General Washington at Valley Forge. He drilled the soldiers at Valley Forge with military discipline and procedure. He spoke little English, so he had aides translate his speech to the soldiers. He turned the troops at Valley Forge from a disorganized, un-experienced, fighting force into a uniform, efficient army.

Who drilled the troops at Valley Forge?

Friedrich von Steuben, a former army officer from Prussia, came to help General Washington at Valley Forge. He drilled the soldiers at Valley Forge with military discipline and procedure. He spoke little English, so he had aides translate his speech to the soldiers. He turned the troops at Valley Forge from a disorganized, un-experienced, fighting force into a uniform, efficient army.

What was important about the Valley Forge battle?

There was no battle at Valley Forge. The winter of 1777-1778 there is important because General Washington (with the help of Baron von Steuben) got the revolutionary soldiers trained in military tactics. This helped them in later battles.

What was marquis de lafettes role in the winter at Valley Forge?

He brought trained soldiers from France to America to help George Washington. He became one of Washington's most trusted friends.

Are the word of Thomas Paine enough to keep you at valley forge?

yes it help them understand to fight

Why is Martha Washington Famous during the Revolutinay War?

Her husband was in charge of the Continental Army. She often spent the winters with him in the various camps, including Valley Forge. She was respected and went to great lengths to do what she could to help the soldiers.

Which document did George Washington help write after he spent the winter at Valley Forge?

The united states constitution.

What did the french do in the Revolutionary War?

they sent over marquet de laffeate to help train soldiers at valley forge and the french navy trapped the British from their espae to sea and killed a bunch of redcoats and ended when Charles Cornwallis surrended at Yorktown ending the revloution

How did the Continental Army come through the terrible winter at Valley Forge with new hope.?

Patriots from around the nation sent help. Women collected food, medicine, warm clothes, and ammunition for the army. Some women, like Martha Washington, wife of the commander, went to Valley Forge to help the sick and wounded.

How did Martha Washington make a Difference?

Martha Washington helped make a difference by keeping up the morale of the Continental Army officers during the American Revolutionary War. She believed in the war and the people's right to freedom.