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basically like the unite states flag today does

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Q: How did the union army flag look like?
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What does the Norman flag look like?

normans flag is a viking flag

Why does the Hawaii flag look like a british flag?

cuz, they look da same

Why Did the confederate change the design of the battle flag so many times?

The design of the battle flag was not changed at all. In the east, in General Lee's Army, they were usually 4' X 4", square, while in the Army of Tennessee in the west they were usually rectangular, as is seen today. The flag design which was changed was the Confederate National Flag, the Stars and Bars. General Beauregard designed the battle flag because the Stars and Bars, on smoky battlefields, looked too much like the old flag, the Stars and Stripes of the Union. This might cause friend to fire on friend. or allow the enemy to draw too near, from misinterpreting which flag they were showing. But the Confederate Navy continued to use the "First National" Flag, the Stars and Bars. This soon was seen to cause confusion at sea as much as it had on land, so the "Second National" flag was adopted, which was a white flag, with a miniature representation of the battle flag in the upper corner, where the stars had been. But this looked too much like a white flag of surrender, and more confusion resulted. So the "Third National" Flag was adopted, which was the same as the Second but with a broad red stripe added up and down the end, so it would no longer look like Rebel vessels were flying a white flag.

How did Spain's flag look like in the 1600s?

arrowed x

Who invented the first flag?

the Romans but they didnt look like our flags today

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What does the union flag look like?

the united states flag

What did the Canadian flag look like in 1850?

during 1850 the Canada flag was the U.K. union flag.

What did a union army uniform look like?

The Union armys uniforms were blue.

What doe the European Union flag look like?

European Union flag shows a circle of 12 5-pointed gold (yellow) stars on a blue field.

What would the UK Flag look like if Wales was included?

It would then be the Union Jack.

What does the flag of the European look like?

The flag is straightforward : 12 yellow stars in a circle on a field of blue. (There are images of the European Union flag at the related links below.)

What did the union flag look like at Gettysburg how many stars?

35. The stars of the Confederate States that seceded from the union were not removed from the flag because the Federal Government didn't recognize the legality of the secession and would not acknowledge it with the removal of the stars from the flag.

What is the name of the Australia's flag with no stars?

Australia doesn't have a flag with no stars.If you are just referring to general flag that would look like an Australian flag with no stars, it is a Union Jack Ensign with a Navy Background.

What does the Africa flag look like?

Africa is not one country - it is many countries, each with their own flag. There is not a continental flag for Africa but there is a link below to find the flag for every country in Africa. There is an organisation called the African Union, which is like the United Nations or European Union, but in Africa. It has a flag which is mainly green and white, with a little picture of Africa in the centre.

What did the colonial flag look like?

These were probably the three most used flags in colonial America. 1: The "Union Jack". It was identical to the UK's current flag, but the X behind the cross in the union Jack had no red stripes. 2: The Red Ensign. It had the Union Jack in the canton (like the American flag's white stars) and the rest was red. 3: The Continental Colors. It was identical to the American flag, but where the stars are today there was a Union Jack.

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like a flag