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It was made easy for them by the Union commander, Ambrose Burnside, who was kept waiting for the pontoons he needed to cross the river. If they had arrived promptly, he could have captured the heights, as there were only a few enemy in position.

By the time they did arrive, the Confederates had had time to man the high ground, but Burnside still went ahead with his doomed attack.

It was such a one-sided contest that Lee was seen to rush about hugging fellow-officers with glee - the only time this normally chilly aristocrat was ever seen to let his hair down.

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Q: How did the confederacy win the battle of Fredricksburg?
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Who won the battle of fredricksburg?

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The Battle of Fredericksburg was fought between the Union and the Confederacy. The outcome of the battle was a victory for the Confederacy. Robert E. Lee led the Confederacy in the battle.

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the confederate army won the battle of Fredricksburgh in 1862. General Robert E. Lee led the battle. and after the win of Fredricksburgh and chanceellorsville he was confident in invading the North.

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The Confederacy did not win the Battle of Gettysburg. The Army of Northern Virginia was forced to yield the field of battle on the night of 4 July 1863.

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