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Q: How did the allies defend against you boats?
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How many boats did the allies have for d day?

he Allies had over 11,000 boats and ships at D-Day. They ranged from huge transports carrying thousands of soldiers to Higgins boats that each carried a platoon into the beaches.

How did the geography of Normandy help the Germans's defend their position?

they were on a hill, and the allies had to come one by one on boats to get there, and then run uphill on land mined sand beaches, and the Germans had been already dug in for months waiting.

Who used torpedoes?

During WW1, German U-boats (submarines) used torpedoes to sink boats and ships belonging to the Allies or any vessel aiding the Allies war cause.

When was Boats Against the Current created?

Boats Against the Current was created in 1977-08.

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He was eager to enlist Latin American allies to defend the Western Hemisphere against dictators.

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Can shakeology defend against cancer?

There is no scientific evidence or claim that Shakeology can defend against cancer.

Which is true of Japanese kamikaze pilots?

Their attacks were hard to defend against

What Preposition goes after defend?

The preposition "against" typically follows the verb "defend." For example, "She defended herself against the accusations."

What did the US have to do when World War 1 began?

Defend its Allies and Defeat Germany

Advances to what allowed the allies to sink more German Uboats?

The invention of radar helped the Allies to locate and sink the German U Boats.

Why did the British turn boats of Jews away from Israel after the Holocaust?

The British had to defend Palestine, much as border patrols defend every country now.