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The Union ( North ) had a number of advantages over the Confederacy that continued to remain advantages for the following reasons:

1. The Union's advantage in manufacturing remained because most of the Union's factories were well out of reach from the Confederate Army. Robert E. Lee's attempt to capture Harrisburg Pennsylvania as example failed. The Union as well as the North did not expect anymore Confederate advances.

2. The Union's advantage in warships was immense compared to the South's. It would take a very long time for the Confederacy to catch up. Also, the Northern shipyards were well protected and had the ability to build more ships as needed.

3. The Union's population was far greater than that of the South. This was a large pool of possible soldiers. This advantage remained and there was no chance of this Northern advantage to be reduced.

4. Farmlands in the North, most of them, were out of reach from Confederate forces. This would remain so as the North had control of farmlands and cattle ranches in most of the Territories as well. The South's farm base was available to be attacked by the North and was.

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Q: How did the advantages of the north at the start of war continue to be advantages?
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Which was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war?

In the US Civil War, the South had a number of advantages. Perhaps one of the best ones was the fact that they did not have to conquer the North to win. Their goal for independence would come when the North no longer wished to continue the conflict.

North advantages in civil war?

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One of its greatest advantages was its network of roads, canals, and railroads.

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The north was industrialized. The south was an agricultural region.

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The North had several advantages at the start of the war, including a larger population, a more developed industrial base, and more extensive transportation networks. These advantages continued to be advantages throughout the war as the North was able to mobilize more troops and resources, produce more weapons and supplies, and maintain better communication and supply lines. Additionally, the North's control of the seas allowed them to blockade Southern ports, cutting off crucial trade routes and weakening the Southern economy.

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to start off, the American Civil War was Americans against Americans.The Union/North's advantages: had more railroads:used to transport troops and weapons, larger population to fight for themThe Confederates/South's advantages: most of the war was fought in the South so they knew the land well and they were fighing for their families and homes, they had better war leaders

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Most advantages, economic and otherwise, favored the North

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