Film provided permanent historical record or military and political events. Photojournalism provided visuals about what happend then and allowed films to be put together.
A famous military strategist, Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840-1914) recommended in an innovative (and highly insightful) way that the American military should focus on sea-power as the key to its success in any contemporary or future conflicts. Following from his authoritative studies of past military and political events and patterns, Mahan's recommendations have since been largely seen as not only innovative but also true.
The major events are the "Crackdown" in which the Syrian government conducted numerous arrest of protesters, political activists and the human right campaigners. The censorship of events which was leaked out to the public was another main reason. The concession in which the Syrian Government offered political reforms and policy changes.
He was attempting to depict an accurate image of the military. He served in the military ans in government roles and was painting from the place of an eyewitness to these events he was painting.
mixing the five basic elements
The Chinese believed that they could predict major political and military events by mixing the five basic elements firing oracle bones visiting a psychic observing patterns in the sky
The letter shows that the Chinese feel that natural and political events are related. For example, Lin claimed that Queen Victoria could forestall heaven-sent calamities by calling a halt to the opium trade
to study weather formations and predict future weather events
Almost any country that has a military will have a military band. The United States Marine Corps band has been performing publicly since 1801. A military band will usually play at state funerals and other political events.
which political events lol
It means to predict and anticipate upcoming events.
The indexes predict by assuming that past trends and relationships will continue into the future.
The events at Tiananmen Square in 1989 symbolized pro-democracy protests in China calling for political reform and greater freedoms. The Chinese government's violent crackdown on the protesters showed its determination to maintain control over dissent and reinforced its authoritarian rule. The events also highlighted the struggle for human rights and democracy in China.