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Lincoln, by openly deciding to resupply the fort, provoked the South into a rash attack. After the fort fell to Southern attack, public opinion widely favored war with the Confederacy. On April 15, three days after the surrender of the fort, Lincoln called on Northern states to provide troops to "protect the Union."

While many felt that Lincoln had made a miscalculation, others saw his actions as deliberately designed to cause the eruption of hostilities, with a Northern takeover of the South being the only solution to his earlier analogy of the US as "a house divided" by the institution of slavery.

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Q: How did Lincoln react to the attack on Fort Sumter?
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the election of Abraham Lincoln

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his choise's were to resuply Fort Sumter

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Before. It was Lincoln's decision to resupply the fort. When he informed the South that he was resupplying it, they attacked Fort Sumter!

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Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in 1861.

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it was a surprise attack because Lincoln told the Confederacy that he was sending food for his men but the south attacked them. ^- The south asked them to leave repeatedly. even said they would attack them if they wouldn't go, the people in fort sumter said they would leave if they didn't recive supplies. THEN lincoln sent them supplies. No it wasn't a surprise attack. they knew it was coming.

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When was the fort sumter attack?


When did the attack on Fort Sumter happen?