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He was taken across on the USS Iowa.

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Q: How did FDR travel to the conference at Tehran?
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When was tehran conference?

The Tehran Conference was held from 28 November to 1 December 1943 .

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Because of FDR's disloyalty to Churchill at the Tehran Conference. FDR went behind Churchill's back and made secret agreements with Stalin on Eastern Europe. Stalin said he preferred "a downright enemy to a pretending friend".

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I think it was the Casablanca conference or Tehran.

Where did the Allied leaders in World War 2 meet other than Tehran and Yalta?

The Potsdam Conference.

What did the tehran conference focus on?

"This meeting took place in Tehran, Iran and was the first between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchil. The goal of the meeting was to plan jointly for the overthrow of the Nazis." - Pragmatism Please