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Q: How did Britain contribute towards World War 1?
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What was Italy's Military stance towards Britain in World War 2?

They were at war with each other. Italy was a member of the Axis powers with Germany.

How did Britain contribute to the cold war 1945-1953?

Part of NATO.

What asset did Germany offer England as partial payment towards war reparations that Britain would turn down after World War 2?

The Volkswagen works.

What war is Great Britain World War I or World War 2?

Great Britain, or more correctly The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was involved in both World War 1 and World War 2.

What did America contribute to WW1?

America only joined world war 1 in 1917 but still gave financial support to Britain and also soldiers.

How did propaganda impact Britain in World War 1?

Propaganda in World War 1 was used in Britain to boost morale, recruit soldiers, and maintain public support for the war effort. It influenced public opinion through posters, newspapers, and speeches, shaping attitudes towards the war and the enemy. Overall, propaganda played a significant role in mobilizing the British population and sustaining their commitment to the war.

When did the World War 2 invade Britain?

Britain wasn't invaded during World War 2

What lesson Britain learn after the Great Britain war?

world war 1

How did Russian Revolution contribute to instability in Europe during and after World War I?

How did Russian Revolution contribute to instability in Europe during and after World War 1?The Russian Revolution contribute when

How did the Poland Foreign Minister contribute to the start of World War 2?

He didn't. Germany invaded Poland, which obliged Great Britain and France, by their respective treaties with Poland, to declare war on Germany, which was the beginning of the greater war.

What was Britain called in World War 1?
