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It was one of the Dominions of the British Empire, and therefore committed to defending the interests of the UK.

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Q: How did Australia become part of World War 1?
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Does war affect Australia?

Yes, war does affect Australia. Australia is part of the British Commonwealth (of nations) and whatever Britain takes part in, Australia is automatically signed up for. It's part of the treaty - for an example World War One - Australians had to go to war, even if they played no part in bringing it on, but because of Britain's orders. Then World War Two - Australians were not eager to become involved due to the destruction and grief that happened in World War One. but once again had to take part, because Australia was (and still is) part of the Commonwealth. Australia can and does also become involved in other actions, and apart from its actual and direct involvement in war is also affected in many ways, as are all countries, by wars in which Australia has no active participation. The human cost of all war affects everybody on Earth.

Were Australia part of the Allied Forces?

In World War I Australia fought with other countries but in World War II they were not part of the Allied Forces that conquered the Axis Forces.

Who did Australia fight with in World War 1?

Australia was part of the Allied forces

When did Australia become involved in world war 1?

In 1914.

When did Australia join World war 2 and why?

Australia more or less walked directly into the middle of WWII, because England was fighting, and Australia is part of the commonwealth. That means we have to help out England every time they stumble into a war. Many Australians are pushing to become independent, though.

How did Australia become in World War 1?

If you mean Australia it wasn't involved in WWI....or any of the WW's actually

What were the main reasons Australia decided to help Britain in World War 1?

Because Australia was a part of the British Empire. Because Australia was a part of the British Empire

How was Australia involved and why in world war 1?

As part of the British Empire Australia joined WW1 with the rest of the UK

Why was involved in World War 1?

Australia had only just gained become united as a country, but was still a colony of the British. Therefore, Australia too, was dragged into the war.

When did Hong Kong become a part of Britain's?

after world war 2

Why was aurstalia involved in World War 1?

Australia had only just gained become united as a country, but was still a colony of the British. Therefore, Australia too, was dragged into the war.

Why did Australia become involved in WW1?

Australia became involved in the first world war because they were part of the British empire. When the Britians entered the first world war they called for help as they had not much of an army. India, Canada and Australia came to their aid. India suppied over a million troops. Now answer this question, Would the war still have taken place if the assassination attempt on Franz Ferdinand hadn't occured?