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Q: How did Americans prepare for war with Germany?
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What convinced many Americans that the US needed to prepare to enter world war?

The alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan

What convinced many Americans that the US need to prepare to enter World War 2?

The alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan

What convinced many Americans that the US needed to prepare to to enter World War 2?

The alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan

Who did Germany declare war to?

The Americans

When France surrendered to the German army in 1940 did it cause Americans to be fearful of Germany's power?

it made the Americans aware of what was ahead & prepare

What did many Americans do to prepare for a possible nuclear war?

Built bomb shelters

What date did Germany declare war on the US?

If you mean in WWII then this is what I have got. Germany did not actually declare war on the Americans. When the Japanese bombed Perl Harbour in America the Americans wanted to declare war on the Japanese but the British persuaded the Americans that it was the Germans that started it and so the Americans declared war on the Germans and any other army with them including the Japanese on 11th December 1941. Hope that helps! =)

What country angered Americans by sinking the lusitania why?

Germany sank the Lusitania and sank it because of the fact it was a British ship and Germany was at war with Britain, it was a coincidence that Americans were on it and not the only ship with Americans that the Germany sunk.

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How did the Americans get car to Germany in World War 2?

By ship

After declaring war on Germany Americans immediately began?


Which nations actions caused the US to fight in world war 1?

Germany. Germany caused Americans to be raged, and want President Woodrow Wilson to take action in the war, but he kept neutrality for a while, but then entered the war.