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You have to remember that Blackadder is a comedy and therefore it has been made for audience, therefore alot of the truth is exaggerated as it has not been made to be accurate.

However there are some accurate points- disease spread quickly throughout the trenches and there was lots of it. It talks about a low supply of ration which is also correct. Furthermore, soldiers really did go mad, alot of soldiers suffered from shell shock or traumatic experience's. This caused them to go mad and some even got sent home it was so bad

However, it is not totally accurate for example, it does not truly show how bad conditions for example, there is no mention of the mud or rats. Although, rations were low they never had to make up meals. mud for coffee etc, the meals were very boring but they kept the men well nourished. Finally, very few men would have occupied the trenches for that priod of time. After a while they would hav got turfed out of their bunk to serve and man guns etcc.. when they got back someone would be in that trench and a new one would have to be found.

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Blackadder Goes Forth is a comedy series and should not be taken as an accurate historical representation of World War I. While the show does touch on some historical events and themes, it employs satire and exaggeration for comedic effect. It is important to seek out more comprehensive and reliable sources for an accurate understanding of World War I.

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Blackadder Goes Forth - 1989 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Ireland:15 Portugal:M/6 Singapore:PG UK:15

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The Blackadder Goes Forth series aired between September 28 and November 2 in 1989. For more information about this series, Wikipedia is a great resource.

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