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Hitler definitely was power hungry. He started taking over other countries, just to build back the German economy, but then he just did it for the sake of taking over other countries. The Allies didn't even step in till Hitler took over Poland I would certainly call a desire to control Europe as "power hungry", so the answer would be "Yes". I dont believe he was power hungry, Dutch grandfather said one time that Hitler was very powerful in his personality as cult leaders such as Jim Jones David Koresh and of course Saddam Hussein. These kind of people gain power with the people that believe in them and follow them. Cult leaders attract certain people and take power from them through manipulation Hitler used the solders to war against those who rejected his belief in a supurior race.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Adolf Hitler was not greedy at all. He spent a tremendous amount of effort for the improvement of the living standards of citizens, rather than for personal gain.

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