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Hitler did not advance human understanding in the field of political science, except as a historical footnote. While cunning, highly organized, and very charismatic, these qualities do not qualify him as a genius.


Hitler had above average intelligence, but few scholars would argue that Hilter was an original thinker, much less a bonafide genius (militarily, politically, or otherwise). If one studies the history of World War II, one will see that he made some arguably unwise decisions (aganist the judgment of his military council) in regard to his alliance to Italy and opposition to Russia. Some believe that if Hitler did not turn Germany against Russia, Germany would have won the war. However, that is actually very unlikely (or impossible) based on the information provided below.

Time Table:

  • Hitler committed suicide in April of 1945.
  • In July of 1945 the United States tested the first atomic weapon.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed in August of 1945.

Based on the time table above it should be clear that if Hitler had not directed Germany to attack Russia, Germany would obviously still have lost World War II. The allies had perfected the atomic bomb and would have used it against Germany, annihilating the German military and laying waste to the entire country's infrastructure for centuries.

Fortunately, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (against the advice of his own military council). The Soviets swiftly wiped-out the Nazis, saving Eastern Europe from significant radioactive fallout.

As far as his Hitler's measurable intellect, consider the following:

Adolf Hitler never took an IQ test in his life. There are no credible academic sources claiming that he did. During the Nuremberg Trails several Nazi officers took a crude IQ test and none of them scored as high as 145, therefor it is highly unlikely that Hitler (with a high school education and former rank of corporal in the German military) would have been any more intelligent than his officers.

His literary accomplishments amount to one finished book, an unfinished manuscript, and several documents that were dictated before he committed suicide. None of this work is recognized as being particularly creative or having advanced human understanding.

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Hitler did not advance human understanding in the field of political science, except as a historical footnote. He advanced no theories in political science and produced no intellectual work in this area. 'Mein Kampf' (his only book published during his life) is not highly regarded as a serious political treatise. While cunning, highly organized, and very charismatic, these qualities do not qualify him as a genius.

The methods the Nazi party used to take power in Germany were not unique. They simply played on the resentment of the masses toward the wealthy and used a minority as a scapegoat for most of the problems of Germany. This sort of maneuver is known as a pogram. The Jewish people have been used as expedient scapegoats by governments for centuries. The policies and rules of the Nazy party for German citizens were only unique in terms of being unusually deranged.

Adolf Hitler never took an IQ test in his life. There are no credible academic sources claiming that he did. During the Nuremberg Trails several Nazi officers took a crude IQ test and none of them scored higher than 143, therefor it is highly unlikely that Hitler (with a high school education and former rank of corporal in the German military) would have been any more intelligent than his officers.

His literary accomplishments amount to one finished book, an unfinished manuscript, and several documents that were dictated before he committed suicide. None of this work is recognized as being particularly creative or having advanced human understanding.

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How was a Munich conference a turning point in the road toward war?

The Munich Agreement of 1938 (September) was a turning-point in the road toward another world war in several ways. Perhaps most importantly, this blood-less political victory convinced many top-level Germans, especially military leaders, that Hitler did indeed have a sixth sense of sorts -- a 'genius' -- for advancing Germany's dominance in Europe. Henceforth, Germany was more united behind Hitler's world-controlling policies.

How did Adolf Hitler feel in world war 2?

Adolf Hitler felt that there should be something with us so he started World War ll

How did Hitler deal with opposition parties?

Mainly through either discrediting them or by using services like the Gestapo to make sure they 'disappeared'. Political opponents went to Concentration Camps or prison as political prisoners, opponents in the Army were given postings in North Africa and then later in Russia on the Eastern Front, social opponents were suppressed by the police or arrested & sent to Concentration camps. The interesting thing about Nazi Germany was that with the socialisation of people towards Nazi life, there was little outward resistance, but there were lots of underground movements & a niche society developed - people conformed in public & rebelled in Private.

Was Adolf Hitler sane?

Some would say both, some would say neither. At first, he was only a young man filled with ambition and wanted to do anything in his power to help his Fatherland. The ways he choose to go, to actually do that might be considered rather sick. In the end, when he was loosing the war and could not do much at all to prevent it then of course he'd become crazy. Anyone with his power and in his situation would become crazy sooner or later.

Was Adolf Hitler intelligent?

Opinions from contributors:Adolf Hitler never took a legitimate standardized IQ test. No credible academic source would attribute an IQ score to him for this reason. However, we can approximately evaluate his intelligence level based on several factors explained below.To qualify as a genius a person should be an authority in an occupational field requiring abstract reasoning and creativity. A genius would be expected to advance original theories in science, medicine, law, or literature, or to invent new forms of technology. Among the Nazis there were such individuals.We know that Hitler was a charismatic and methodical leader. We also know that he had some artistic ability, a high school level education, and first hand experience with military tactics as a corporal during World War I. It is documented that several Nazi leaders were given crude IQ tests during the Nuremberg trials (after World War II) that showed that many had superior intelligence. These officers all reported that Hitler was highly charismatic, confident, and able to explain complex ideas. We know that under Hitler the German military made innovations and used novel tactics. It should not be understated that these innovations were not the personal handiwork of Hitler himself.As a matter of well established academic consensus, the few books that Hitler wrote were not major works of philosophy or science, nor were they breathtaking masterpieces of prose. He published no articles in peer reviewed medical, legal, or scientific literature of the time. He advanced no theories. He personally invented no new forms of technology.Based on what is known of Hitler through his documented written correspondence, books, and the strategies he used to achieve power, we can safely guess that Hitler had superior intelligence, certainly adequate enough to succeed at a university, but that he was not a genius.OpinionSome people believe that Hitler was an economic and political genius. They claim that he brought Germany from a nation in debt to a world power of which the whole world was scared.However it must be remembered that the debt from World War 1 was not repaid but ignored. It is doubtful that a genius is defined as one who rules by fear. He was not a military genius either as he made major blunders which cost him the war.OpinionNo, Hitler really had no thought of his own. He got his ideas of Government from Mussolini, he never invented anything he stole other peoples work and took credit for it. His military tactics were lacking, he made huge mistakes that cost him in the end. The only thing that you could consider that he was a genus was the way he manipulated and brainwashed people into doing what he wanted.OpinionThe academic consensus is that his works of literature (a finished book, an unpublished transcript, and several documents written before his suicide) did not advance human knowledge on a theoretical level by any stretch of the imagination. Neither fame nor simply possessing a large vocabulary equate genius.

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