risk of being killed
lack of food and water
trench foot
lack medical attention
German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.
America didn't fight in World War 1!
They wanted to beat Germany in World War 2.
American soldiers were also known as doughboys
the three hardships are finding food, healing wounds, and shelter.
American Soldiers came to Britain in World War II to help out.
German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.
Yes, like slavery, American songs were affected in such a way that possible subjects could directly involve the war like protest songs or maybe soldiers returning from the war singing about the hardships of the time.
Fort Moultrie Fort Chatanuga Fort Hillsworth
America didn't fight in World War 1!
They wanted to beat Germany in World War 2.
they calles the Germans krauts
American soldiers were also known as doughboys
American soldiers were also known as doughboys
American soldiers were also known as doughboys
the three hardships are finding food, healing wounds, and shelter.
1.5 million