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Q: Germany surrendered how long after Hitler's death?
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How long after hitlers death did Germany surrender?

It depends on the country Hitler was demanding surrender from.

How long did the Germans surrender after hitlers death?

one week

How long after Germany surrendered was the nuclear bomb finished?

2 months 8 days

How long until Germany surrendered after Hitler's death?

D-Day was June 6, 1944. Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945, more than 10 months after D-Day.

How long did world war 2 last for Britain?

Britain declared war on Germany after Hitlers Army entered Poland on the 3rd September 1939. Hostility's ended May 8th 1945.

Did Germany invade France before or after invading Belgium?

In 1940, Germany launched its attack on Western Europe. It was a massive invasion that swept over the lowlands including Belgium. Not long after the fall of Belgium, France was then successfully invaded and surrendered.

How long was the US involment in World War 2?

We entered December 7th 1941 when we were bombed at Pearl Harbor. Germany and Italy fell first. Japan finally surrendered on August 15 1945, ending WWII. The War was waging in Europe from September 1st 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, before we got directly involved. Germany surrendered on May 8th 1945.

When did Nazi Germany fall?

The determination of the USSR, and France, and Britain and U.S. They all caved into Germany and surrounded forces. The remaining german soldiers gave up and surrendered. This was prior to the suicide of Hitler and in his will he said no one should take over his power when he dies. So, nazi soldiers pretty much knew the end was near when all of this occured, The third reich collapsed also

Why did the allied powers win the World War 2?

allies Allies Italy surrendered in 1944. Both Japan & Germany surrendered unconditionally in 1945. There is a school of thought that Allied demands for German Unconditional Surrender prolonged the war, but as long as Hitler remained alive the Germans were held to their oath of allegiance to him......

How long did Adolf Hitler lead Germany?

He was leader of Germany from 1934 until his death.

What was Hitlers term for his long-term program for the Jews?

The "Final Solution"

How long did gladiator fights last?

To the death or until one combatant surrendered. But remember, they did not always fight to the death, more times than not a gladiator would get a "misio" which could be likened to a pass. He'd get off with his life, but would not get paid for his combat for that day.