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Q: English poet killed 4111918 in world war 1 first name Wilfred?
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What happened in 1959 during the Vietnam War?

the first US Military personnel was killed

Who as the first person to get killed during World War 2?

Some poor soul in Poland. The first strike was on September 1, 1939. I doubt they know who the Pole was that was killed first. You could check museum sites for Poland if you really need to know.

Who was the first American casualty of World War 1?

Private John Parr (1898 in Finchley - August 21, 1914) was the first British soldier and the first soldier of the Commonwealth killed in World War I. PRIVATE DUNCAN MCDONALD Camerons listed as missing[on medal index card] 13 August 1914 and is documented as killed in action 13 August 1914[CWGC and Soldiers died in the Great War] possibly died on boat to France,or actually went missing deliberately[he was 16 years old], killed by accident or the date is a mistake? The date is common throughout the reference data showing him killed in action 13 august 1914. He is on the Memorial to the missing at LA FERTE-SOUS-JOUARRE Seine-et-Marne, France also showing him to have been killed in action 13 August 1914 aged 16 The 1901 census confirms he was indeed just 16. Also I believe there was a Royal Flying Corps casualty before 21 August 1914

Who was the first man to try and kill Franz Ferdinand?

Gavril Princip actually killed Franz Ferdinand but i dont know who tried to kill him first

What are facts about the first battle of Marne?

-September 1916 -french and british against Germany -250000french killed, 12,733 british killed, and an unknown amount of Germans (estimated around the same number as french). it ended in a stalemate.

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How is Wilfred Owen linked to the Great War?

Wilfred Owen was a great poet and soldier. He was killed one week before the end of the First World War, 4th November 1918 at the Battle of Sambre. For his courage and leadership he was awarded the Military Cross,

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"Wilfred Le Bouthillier" is famous for his music. The first album he published and with which he made his debut, has his own name as the title: "Wilfred Le Bouthillier".

How was Wilfred Owen inspired to be a poet of World War 1?

Wilfred Owen was inspired to be a poet of World War 1 due to his first-hand experience as a soldier on the front lines. Witnessing the horrors of war, particularly the suffering of soldiers and civilians, deeply impacted Owen and motivated him to express the reality of the war through his poetry.

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Wilfred Owen died on November 4th 1918 (i.e. just a week before Armistice) aged 25. He was shot in the back of the head whilst helping the men in his platoon cross the Sambre Oise canal. His parents Tom and Susan Owen received the telegram to say he had been killed after the Armistice had been signed, although Wilfred's brother Harold would later claim he had known all along that Wilfred was dead, owing to his seeing a ghostly apparition of Wilfred in uniform at around the time he was killed.

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This poem was written by the English First World War poet Wilfred Owen, and is about a German chemical weapon attak upon the British trenches. 'Dulce et Decorum Est' is a line written by the Roman poet Horace, which means 'it is sweet and proper to die for one's country'. Wilfred Owen titled the poem sardonically, in effect saying that after the horrors he experienced in WW1, it was anything OTHER than sweet and lovely to die for one's country, but just a senseless waste of life for scraps of territory. Wilfred Owen was killed in action in 1918 at the age of just 25, only a week before the end of the war.

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First They Killed My Father was created in 2000.