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I don't know about the other services, but the Air Force allows PRK corrective eye surgery for pilots and crews but not Lasik. It also depends on what kind of pilot you want to be. The requirement of fighter aircrafts is certainly stricter than C130 propeller cargo plane.

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Q: Do you need 2020 vision to be a pilot in the air force?
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What did a pilot do in World War 2?

First of all there was no branch called the Air Force during World War 2 in any of the Allied Forces. They were either Army Air Force, Marine Air Force and Navy Air Forces and the Brits added the word Royal to their forces. If you added up all the "air forces" of Russia, The US, The UK and other nations you would have a total that could surpass several hundred thousand. The Germans and Italians had aviators too. If you add them then you definitely surpass many hundreds of thousand of pilots flying during World War 2.

How much would a World War 2 unopened German parachute worth?

Need to know more information - is it a parachute packed for a paratrooper, a pilot's survival chute, a cargo chute, an emergency seat chute, or ???? But basic answer is - a pilot's chute or a paratrooper's chute would definitely be worth plenty! Cargo chutes are generally of much less collector interest.

What kind of training do you need for a military pilot?

LOTS!!! You have to go through years of training to even be considered. You also have to be very smart, hard worker, etc. There's glider training, arms training, air-engine training, and more.

How did the us build the large fighting force it would need to enter World War 1?

The government raised money for arms and weaponry by selling their daughters as sex slaves.

In World War 1 did they have automatic pilot?

no, there was not advanced enough equipment for autopilot to take place. it requires the use of a computer, which back then they simply did not have. even autopilots these days aren't very smart, you need tell it where to fly, how fast to fly, how high to fly, vertical airspeed ect...

Related questions

Do you have to have 2020 vision to be in the air force?

No, you do not need to have 20/20 vision to join the Air Force. However, there are vision requirements that need to be met for specific roles within the Air Force. In some cases, vision correction such as glasses or contact lenses may be allowed.

What is a job where you need great vision?

pilot doctor

What talents and skills do you need to be an airforce pilot?

An airforce pilot needs to have good vision and be able to withstand extreme amounts of physical and emotional stress. They also need to have previous pilot experience and be a good pilot.

Do you need a pilot license before joining the air force?


Name a job where you'd need great vision?

pilot doctor driver umpire cop

What training do you need in order to be a fighter pilot?

air force of course

Do you have to have perfect vision to fly a bomber plane in the air force?

Yes, pilots need to be glasses and contacts free for their own safety and for the safety of the crew flying with the pilot. They have to pass a distance and close up eye test.

Do you need 20 20 vision in both eyes to be a pilot?

No, but you'll need to have corrective lenses that allow you to pass an eye test during the medical examination that is necessary to receive a pilot's certificate (in the U.S.).

What vision do I need to be a private pilot?

20/40 or better in each eye separately, with or without correction. Color vision as needed to safely perform airman duties.

What tools do need for a air force pilot?

Hammer screwdriver crescent wrench

Does a pilot need special training?

Yes, the pilot needs special training in being able to maintain consciousness with all the g force.

The need for glasses or contact lenses may preclude selection for some branches The standards for aircrew are high particularly for pilot duties Can anyone tell me what this is saying?

Some jobs are not open to people with certain vision problems. Especially positions such as pilot, where excellent vision is required.