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Yes - for most of the war.

At the beginning, some of them wore blue, and this confused the Union artillery at Bull Run. The gunners held their fire until too late, and this helped to swing the battle for the Confederates.

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Q: Do the confederate soldiers wear gray uniforms?
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What kind of uniforms did confederate soldiers wear?

gray uinforms

What color uniforms did confederacy soldiers wear?

They wore Gray.

Why did the soldiers wear uniforms during the civil war?

Soldiers wore uniforms during the civil war so that they would know who was the union and confederate.

During the US Civil War what color uniforms did the Confederate soldiers wear?

The Confederates (south) wore gray and a color called Butternut, and the Union (north) wore a blue-gray more blue then gray type of uniform.

What color uniforms did the south wear in civil war?

Confederate soilders wore gray or yellowish-brown uniforms.

Did the US wear grey coats in the civil war?

The confederate soldiers (of the new Confederacy of the United States) wore grey uniforms versus the union soldiers who wore blue uniforms.

What color of uniforms did the confederate soldiers wear other than gray?

The color(other than gray) most often mentioned is "butternut" which was a shade of brown.The color was made by boiling nutshells,which would release the pigment(color), and then the fabric was immersed in it.

What color was confederate uniforms?

the varied between blue gray and tan. sometimes it was just whatever you had to wear when they couldn't get supplies fast enough

What color uniforms would soldiers from border states wear?

Hi, If you are refffering to the civil war soldiers, the southern soldiers wore gray uniforms, the northern wore blue. Hope this helps. GRAY Grey

What uniforms did the soldiers wear in the Civil War?

The Union uniform was blue, the Confederacy uniform was gray. Other than the color, the clothing was quite simple and ordinary. Uniforms were not elaborate.

Did soldiers wear camouflage during World War 1?

No, allied soldiers wore khaki uniforms (A shade of medium brown) and German soldiers wore blue/gray. -I believe the first to to wear camouflage were German paratroops in WW2.

What are the special clothes soldiers wear?
