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The Tuskegee airmen were at the opposite end of Europe, almost 2,000 miles from Normandy.

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Q: Did the Tuskegee airman help on d day?
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How did the US felt afer winning the d -day?

The US did not win D-Day, they had a little help from the British and Canadians.

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He was the overall commander of the D-Day landings, of course he helped win it, since it was HIS operation.

Did D Day help the Allied win World War 2?

yes, it was a extra day for them

How did air superiority help the allies invade Normandy on d-day?

Air superiority was vital and there was barely a Luftwaffe aircraft to be seen the whole of D-Day.

Was the Tuskegee Airmen an all black flight crew or did they mix with whites?

At first they were segragated but then they were combined with another flight crew. They combined before D-Day the black and white fighter crew won over 100 missions.

Why did America win d-day?

The Allies won D-Day. America had some help from Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Allied countries.

How did paratroopers help take down Germany on D-day?

using ur mama

What does the letter d in d day stand for?

The day of the landings

How do you count days after d day?

Days are labeled D + number. So the day after D-Day would be D+1, the week after D-Day D+7, the month after D-Day D+30, etc.

How did the weather help the allies win D Day?

It delayed them so they had more time to plan.

How is D-day and the holocaust related?

D- day was when the people in the ghettos celebrated because they heard d-day on the radio that some one would help the people in the ghettos ___ The ghettos had been 'liquidated' long before D-Day; they no longer existed. -------------------- One was used to end the other.