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The Germans, particularly in Rommel's area - Normandy, had many strong bunkers and gun emplacements. Erwin Rommel was greatly in favor of strengthening the coast.

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Q: Did the Germans have bunkers for D-Day?
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What did the Germans use in there bunkers?

if theres a bomb raid

How did Germans survive massive bombardments before the battle of somme?

By living in concrete bunkers

What were the buildings the Germans were in called on d day?

Bunkers made mostly by Polish prisoners with French cement

How did the allies get into the bunkers on d-day?

i think the allies went into groups and went stealthly, and/or the Germans slacked

Why was it hard for the first soldoers who landed in Normandy to get past the beach?

Germans had guns and bunkers above the beach and were shooting at them as they landed.

Were the Germans responsible for invasion of Normandy?

Yes, they did not anticipate where the invasion would take place, not enough land was covered by their troops. They also thought that Dday would be postponed due to weather.

What was the invasion of Normandy like?

The invasion of Normandy was like a small slice of Hell. The defended beaches, particularly Omaha, had massive cross-fire from Germans dug into concrete bunkers. These bunkers were extensively bombed by Allied bombers over the previous weeks, not a single bunker was even cracked.

What is the meaning of bunkers?

Bunkers: (Bre) Slang for crazy; nuts. As in to go bunkers go crazy.

Where do you sign up for paintball d day?

For Skirmish Dday you have to call. I assume it is the same for Oklahoma and other big dday games also.

How tall is Keri Bunkers?

Keri Bunkers is 5' 5".

When was Los Bunkers created?

Los Bunkers was created in 1999.

What does bunkers mean in maritime speak?

It typically refers to the fuel storage. Coal bunkers or fuel oil bunkers are where the fuel is kept.