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Q: Did the Boston militia meet in Concord?
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What happened right after the Battle of Concord?

Colonial militia chased the British to Boston.

Who forced the redcoats to get out of Concord and into Boston?

An American colonial militia called the Minutemen, due to the fact they claimed they could prepare themselves to fight in a minute. The militia had just cleared the cache of arms they had stashed in Concord. The British were going there to take the cache of arms themselves (they learned from a tip by a loyalist), but the militia got there first and drove them out, firing on them as they marched back to Boston. It was the second battle of the beginning of the American Revolution, following a colonial loss at Lexington, where the militia had met the redcoats on their way to Concord from Boston in the first place.

What happened as a result of the battle of concord?

Colonial militia chased the British to Boston.

What was the Massachusetts militia storing in Concord?

They were storing arms and ammunition in concord

When was Boston Militia created?

Boston Militia was created in 2008.

How did the role of the militia change after the battles of lexington and concord?

The militia changed to minutemen

For What Reason were the British Marching to Lexington?

They were actually marching to Concord, but Lexington was on the way. They wanted to get from Boston to Concord MA to seize the ammunition stored there, so the colonial militia wouldn't use it against the British. In that time, there were really only a few routes from Boston to Concord because everything was forest or farmland. The route ran through Lexington, and the militia there were alerted to the British approach, so they came out to delay the British from getting to Concord. This delay, which became the "Shot Heard Round the World" when a skirmish broke out, gave the Concord militia enough time to remove a lot of ammunition and gave revolutionary leaders time to escape capture. The "battle" on Lexington Green was the first actual battle of the American Revolution.

What is the site of the first battle in the revolutionary war?

The first American victory came at the Battle of Concord, which followed the skirmish at the Battle of Lexington, on April 19, 1775.British forces from Boston, who were out to confiscate weapons in Concord, fired against a small group of militia gathered in Lexington, closer to Boston. As the British continued east and searched Concord, riders (including Paul Revere) had alerted the colonial militia, which fired upon and routed the British. As they fled back to Lexington with their main force, the Redcoats were joined by a rescue party, and the entire column was pursued and fired upon enroute back to Boston by a force of up to 3800 militiamen. With the arrival of thousands more of the Minutemen from the area, the Siege of Boston began.concordnovember 5th,2009

Did the role of militia change after the battle of Lexington concord?

Yes- It did.

The militia stopped the british troops at what bridge?

Concord Bridge

What did the Battle of Concord lead to?

The battles of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775) were the first battles of the American Revolution. The same British troops who scattered colonial militia at Lexington in the morning were shot up and chased back to Boston by the colonists in the afternoon.

What were the two cities that saw the first shots of the revolutionary war?

Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. The British had got wind of a store of cannon and gunpowder the colonists had amassed at Concord and set our from Boston to seize it. Paul Revere and others warned the Minute Companies of the militia that the British were on the way. The British encountered the Minute Company of the Lexington militia drawn up on the town green when they got that far. Shots were exchanged and the British pushed on to Concord.