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The Allies, including Great Britain, USA, Russia and Italy all had submarines during WW1. In general they were not nearly as advanced or successful as the German U-boats.

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13y ago

Yes from around 1917 the Us did use submarines.

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Q: Did US use the submarine in world war 1?
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Yes. The Chicagoans(or the United States Navy) have captured the World War two German submarine and it was brought into Chicago in the year 1956 but now that kind of real World War two combat submarine is for display.

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The US was oficcially neautral in world war two until 1917 when they declared war on Germany. Prior to this the US had supported Britain, despite being officially neutral. This led to Germanys use of unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania.

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Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare