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Does it really matter?? There was a suppressed country in need and we were there to help! And we did!! Nam is done and over--a period we learned from to apply to future wars. Why ask a question like this??? Just be happy you live in this great country and there are amazing soldiers out there defending that right everyday.

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โˆ™ 18y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

After Woodrow Wilson published his Fourteen Points, which included a point that discussed the future sovereignty of colonies, a young Vietnamese man named Nguyen Ai Quoc attempted to meet him and give him his petition for Vietnamese independence from French colonialism. Woodrow Wilson refused to meet him because he was trying to improve relations with the French Premier.

That young Vietnamese man would eventually change his name to Ho Chi Minh, and found the Communist party in Vietnam, eventually forcing France out of Vietnam and beginning the events that would cause the Vietnam War.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

It could have been avoided if Americans had elected a president with the wisdom and courage to view communism as a theory based on something other than pure evil. When the U.S. started this war, it was still under the influence of McCarthy's view of communism as "evil," that is, a system that ignored religion as a political necessity. So, there was no possibility of a negotiated peace in Viet Nam. The U.S., as always, saw the issues in terms of black and white. Now, after sacrificing 50,000 young men, most of whom were involuntarily drafted, Americans are vacationing in Viet Nam. Ignorance continues to define our nation's government. We have learned nothing from the past and are therefore condemned to repeat it in Iraq and elsewhere.

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โˆ™ 19y ago

We could of minded our own business. Its there problem not ours.

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โˆ™ 16y ago

If they hadn't been a communist country trying to take over another possibly. If the Soviet Union and/or Communist China were not involved, possibly.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

in all truth yes, the u.s could have stayed neutral. however, we would not have been doing our part in the united nations. stopping comunism is something worth fighting for.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

If the reds stayed out of it, the US would've stayed out of it (at least openly).

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โˆ™ 15y ago

No cold war=No Vietnam War

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