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Q: Commanders must have what authority to use funds for a particular purpose.?
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Commanders must have to use funds for a particular purpose?

affirmative authority

Which is true about commanders?

They must have affirmative authority to use funds for a particular purpose

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commanders must have what to use funds for a particular purpose

What act prohibits against obligating or overspending an appropriation?

commanders must have what to use funds for a particular purpose

What Act prohibits against over obligating or overspending an appropriation?

commanders must have what to use funds for a particular purpose

When a commander has affirmative authority to use funds for a specific purpose use of those funds is considered .?


When a commander has affirmative authority to use funds for a specific purpose use of those funds is considered?


When a commander has affirmative authority to use funds for a specific purpose use of those funds is considered what?


What are the three main elements of Fiscal Law?

The three main elements of Fiscal Law are budget authority, time frame, and purpose. Budget authority refers to the legal authority to spend government funds. Time frame pertains to the period in which funds can be obligated and used. Purpose involves the specific reasons or activities for which funds can be expended.

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to set apart for a particular purpose. EXAMPLE!- to allocate funds for new projects.

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When a commander has affirmative authority to use funds for a specific purpose, use of those funds is considered

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