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They had been drafted.

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They had been drafted

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Q: By the end of 1965 what was true about most American soldiers in Vietnam?
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Who is known as the most famous traitor?

In American history: Benedict Arnold The lesser known, most recent traitor is Jane Fonda. She visited the American soldiers that were held prisoner in Vietnam, and when the soldiers passed her notes how horrible the conditions were, she turned them in to the Vietnamese. She got away with treason. Boycott everything Jane Fonda.

Did American soldiers carry Vietnamese dictionaries with them during the war?

American soldiers were partially trained in the Vietnam language before they left to fight, but most certainly did use a language dictionary while there. It didn't take them long to pick up some of the language fast because it kept them alive. Many American soldiers (depending on where they were stationed) could speak fluent Vietnamese.

Which state sent most soldiers to Vietnam?

California lost the most men; over 5,000 dead.

What was combat like for American combat soldiers in Vietnam?

it was difficult to know who the enemy was

Who were Australian soldiers that fought in Vietnam?

the conditions for the Australian soldiers was the same as all of the previous wars. But the soldiers this time didnt come back as Heroes, they suffered, faught in the worst conditions ever, against a strong army who lives in jungles and were finlly defeated. the weather and Vietnam's climax made it very difficult for the soldiers to fight, the enemy was very tough, they had very smart techniques and one of them was the Guerilla warfare, the most difficult type to fight. As well as the issues involved in the Vietnam war were never straightforward, which made the fighting harder.

Related questions

What did most American soldiers do at the end of Vietnam?

Looked for a job.

By the end of 1965 what was the status of most American soldiers were they mostly draftees or hawks or something else?

they were draftees.

Who was the president since 1960 that lost the most soldiers?

More American soldiers were killed in the Vietnam War under President Johnson than in any other conflict since 1960.

What year were the most American troops in Vietnam?

Probably 1968. Correct! Nearly 17,000 soldiers died during 1968 alone.

What were the soldiers most prized possessions in the Vietnam war?


What did the soldiers of north Vietnam believe was their most valuable possessions?

their guns

By 1967 how did most Americans feel about us involvement in the Vietnam war?

By 1967, most American students did not favor U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. There were many demonstrations taking place against the war. Soldiers coming home from the war were not greeted warmly.

Did most American soldiers die in the Vietnam war?

Because Americans were fighting Americans, the US Civil War (1861-1865) took the most American lives, about 800,000 men. WWII took the second most at around 400,000 men; WWI about 116,000 men; Korea 33,000; Vietnam 58,000 men.

Who is known as the most famous traitor?

In American history: Benedict Arnold The lesser known, most recent traitor is Jane Fonda. She visited the American soldiers that were held prisoner in Vietnam, and when the soldiers passed her notes how horrible the conditions were, she turned them in to the Vietnamese. She got away with treason. Boycott everything Jane Fonda.

Compare and contrast the Vietnam war and the American war?

Most people know what the Vietnam War is; what is the American War?

Popularity of US Soldiers by US civilians?

Its not the popularity of the soldiers, but the conflict they are in. A great example was Vietnam. Most hated the war itselft, and why we were over there, not the soldiers.

Was America's security at risk during the Vietnam War?

Yes, it was. During the war, the American soldiers were not recognized by the North Vietnese, but by the most sheer luck. Had they been recognized, North Vietnam may have taken seriour action against the US.