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There are about 23,000 German soldiers buried in in the Normady region.

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Q: Are there any German wargraves in Normandy?
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Who did the invasion of Normandy happen to?

German forces in Normandy, France

What is Justice Wargraves destination?

Indian Island

What was the German plan for the invasion of Normandy?

Most of the German generals had no plan for the invasion of Normandy. They were almost all fooled by the Allied strategy of building a fake army in Norfolk, apparently to attack Calais,far north of Normandy. Rommel was the only senior German who anticipated the attack in Normandy and he couldn't persuade his superiors of this. The heavily armed Omaha Beach was a product of Rommel's ingenuity.

Where did the German high command believe the invasion of Normandy would occur?

Instead of at Normandy, at Calais, France.

How many German bunkers are in Normandy?


What did they cry and what did they sing as the Guernica Battalion ousted the German troops from their bunkers after the Normandy invasion?

As Guernica Battalion ousted the German troops from their bunkers after the Normandy invasion, they sang songs of patriotism.

Invasion of Normandy helped what country from German control?


Why were the beaches of Normandy bombed?

to destroy German defense positions..........................

How many Germans were in the invasion of Normandy?

German Data for D-day, The Invasion of Normandy German Strength: 380,000 (by July 23) German dead, wounded, or lost: Between 4,000 and 9,000 German Commanders: Gerd von Rundstedt, Erwin Rommel, & Friedrich Dollmann

What opened militarily as a result of the success at Normandy?

Normandy gave the allies a jump off point to free Europe of German forces......

First weakened the German hold on western Europe?

The Normandy landings

How did Americans overcome German defenses on D day?

They went to Normandy.