Debriding, debridement (of dead tissue); exfoliation; abrasion if it's accidental, or if the entire layer is scraped (torn off), it's known as an avulsion.
avulsionsyou should see a doctor. thats nasty.abrasionAbrasis
Dermoid is the medical term meaning skin-like
An abrasion is the medical term meaning scrape of the skin in which tiny blood vessels in the epidermis or outer layer of the skin break.
Acrochordon is the medical term meaning skin tag. Skin tags can occur in areas of high friction.
Pyoderma is the medical term meaning any purulent skin condition.
Hyperpigmentation is the medical term meaning excessively darkened skin.
"Cutaneous" is the medical term that means pertaining to the surface of the skin.
Dermatomycosis is the medical term meaning fungal disease of the skin.
(a-bray-zhon) - A minor wound in which the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane is worn away by rubbing or scraping.
The medical term meaning Tb skin test is Mantoux. It's a term that refers to a skin test to check for tuburculosis.
"Sub-" is the prefix in the medical term that means below the skin.