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Q: Which term means a thing that stands for another thing?
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An image which stands for something larger than itself?

A person, place, thing, or an event that has meaning in itself and stands for something beyond itself as well; it can signify something else. irony. A term that suggests some sort of discrepancy between appearance and reality; says one thing and means another. antagonist

What means the same thing as segregated?

Segregated means separated or divided based on differences such as race, gender, or ethnicity. Another term that means the same thing is "separated into distinct groups."

A definition which gives another word or phrases that means the same thing as the term and question?

Definition by synonym

What is term in logic?

Collective Term stands for a group of objects, people, or thing as a basic unit.

What is an Example of an Analogous term?

An analogous term is another way of saying the same thing. For example, "Shoot the moon" means the same as "Go for broke".

What is collective term in logic?

Collective Term stands for a group of objects, people, or thing as a basic unit.

What does mixing someone mean?

It means like when you tongue with someone, mixing is a just another term meaning the same thing.

What does the term accompanied mean?

The term accompaniment means someone who supports or provides background music in a solo instrument performance, group performance or singer by playing music.

In music what NC means?

what it stands for im not sure.. but what it means is u stop playing until the next chord

What is is a apposition?

In terms of the English language, the term apposition means to bringing or placing one thing together with another. It is used as a noun in sentences.

What is the English term for comparing one thing like another thing?
