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Anosmia is the loss of the sense of smell.

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Q: Which loss of sense is Anosmia the technical term for?
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What is it when you can't smell?

"Anosmia" is the technical term for not having a sense of smell. It can be caused by many things, including some illnesses or inhaling something that deadens the sense of smell. Anosmia can be temporary.

What is the medical term for the sense of smell?

Anosmia is the lack of olfaction, or a loss of the sense of smell. It can be either temporary or permanent. A related term, hyposmia refers to a decrease in the ability to smell. Some people may be anosmic for one particular odor. This is called "specific anosmia" and may be genetically based. Anosmia can be diagnosed by doctors by using scratch-n-sniff odor tests or by using commonly available odors such as coffee, lemon, and cinnamon. It should be emphasized that there are no more than 5 distinctive tastes: salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and umami. The 10,000 different scents humans usually recognize are lost with the loss of olfaction. While termed as a disability, anosmia is often viewed in the medical field as a trivial problem. However, the condition can have a number of detrimental effects [1]. Patients with anosmia may find food less appetizing. Loss of smell can also be dangerous because it hinders the detection of gas leaks, fire, body odor, and spoiled food. The common view of anosmia as trivial can make it more difficult for a patient to receive the same types of medical aid as someone who is blind, deaf, or mute. Losing an established and sentimental smell memory (e.g. the smell of grass, of a toy, of a grandparent's attic, of a particular book, of loved ones, or of oneself) has been known to cause feelings of depression. Loss of olfaction may lead to the loss of libido, even to the point of impotency, which often preoccupies younger anosmic men. Scientists involved in anosmia research include Richard Doty.

What is the technical term for sense of taste?

The technical term for the sense of taste is gustation.

What term Refers to a loss of hair baldness?

The technical term is alopecia.

What is olfaction also referred to as?

It is the technical term for your sense of smell.

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The medical term for eyelashes is eyelashes. Madarosis is the loss of eyelashes.

A person who cannot smell is known as?

Anosmia is the term for being unable to smell.

What is the for a person who cannot smell?

Anosmia is the lack of olfaction, or a loss of the sense of smell. It can be either temporary or permanent. A related term, hyposmia refers to a decrease in the ability to smell. Some people may be anosmic for one particular odor. This is called "specific anosmia" and may be genetically based. Anosmia can be diagnosed by doctors by using scratch-n-sniff odor tests or by using commonly available odors such as coffee, lemon, and cinnamon. It should be emphasized that there are no more than 5 distinctive tastes: salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and umami. The 10,000 different scents humans usually recognize are lost with the loss of olfaction. While termed as a disability, anosmia is often viewed in the medical field as a trivial problem. However, the condition can have a number of detrimental effects [1]. Patients with anosmia may find food less appetizing. Loss of smell can also be dangerous because it hinders the detection of gas leaks, fire, body odor, and spoiled food. The common view of anosmia as trivial can make it more difficult for a patient to receive the same types of medical aid as someone who is blind, deaf, or mute. Losing an established and sentimental smell memory (e.g. the smell of grass, of a toy, of a grandparent's attic, of a particular book, of loved ones, or of oneself) has been known to cause feelings of depression. Loss of olfaction may lead to the loss of libido, even to the point of impotency, which often preoccupies younger anosmic men. Scientists involved in anosmia research include Richard Doty.

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The technical term for face is "facial region" or "facial structure."

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The technical term for milk is "lacteal secretion."

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