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ICD-9-CM; Volume 2, Index to Diseases

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Q: Which index would you use to locate an E code?
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Does the find command use a pre-made index of files to locate a file?

No, it does not.

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I consulted the gazetteer to locate a specific town in the region.

What is the most efficient way to locate stuff in the textbook?

The most efficient way is to use the index page found at the back of the book.

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Scientists use a computer to locate the epicenter because it would be dangerous to go out there and locate it.... and they never know about any after shocks......

What would you use a periodical index to find?

A periodical index is used to find specific articles, essays, or information published in magazines, journals, or newspapers on a wide variety of subjects. It helps users locate relevant sources by providing access points like author names, subject headings, and publication titles.

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Index sequential files store records in sequential order and use an index to quickly locate specific records. Relative files store records based on their physical position in the file, allowing for direct access to records using their relative position within the file.

Why would cities and counties use a grid system?

To locate the points.

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Use the index or table of contents to quickly find the topic you are interested in. Then, navigate to the corresponding page for detailed information.

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How do you use the while code?

while is a loop. The most common definition iswhile (bool_condition){...//your code here}where bool_condition is a variable of bool type or equality/unequality, for instance a==b, or a >= 0 and so. while woork as long as bool_condition has value index = 0;while (index