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The forceps I choose to grasp a foreign body depends on the location of the foreign body and the size and texture of the item. I might use Kelly forceps or mosquito forceps most typically.

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Q: Which forceps do you use to grasp foreign bodies?
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A forceps is a medical instrument that resembles a pair of tongs or scissors with spoon-shaped tips. It is used during medical procedures or childbirth to grasp or hold objects, tissues, or body parts. For example, forceps can be used to grasp and remove foreign objects from the body, assist in surgical procedures, or aid in the delivery of a baby by grasping the baby's head.

Who uses forceps?

Doctors, nurses, surgeons, medics, and body piercers.

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im not sure if u mean forceps but forceps are a tool surgeons use for surgery i think not too sure hope this helped

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How would the doctor using forceps cause a birth injury?

If a doctor misuses the forceps during birth head trauma or cervical spine injuries can occur to the baby. In general forceps are safe and the benefit will outweigh the risk of their use.

What is forceps and what is its use?

Forceps are a tool/instrument that have "pincers", similar to tongs that can extract, manipulate, twist and pull an object out of the body. Forceps are most used in the labor and delivery setting- to extract the newborn out of the woman's body when it is medically indicated.

What year was the in the grasp rule first put into use by the nfl?

the 'in the grasp' rule was first out into use in 1979.

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What is the moorea insertion forcep?

moorea insertion forceps use in delivery procedure