The fibula is lateral to the tibia.
The medial malleolus is located on the tibia. The fibula forms the lateral malleolus.
The fibula is lateral to the tibia. The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones.
The Plural of Fibula is fibulae or fibulas.
The fibula is lateral to the tibia. The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones.
Fibula or Tibia?
A fibula fracture will hurt.
Another name for the fibula is the shin bone.
The fibula is one of the long bones in the leg, below the knee.
The fibula is located lateral to the tibia. In overall anatomical position, the tibia is medial in the body, and the tibia lateral. Both are located in the lower leg. The tibia articulates with the patella proximally, the fibula laterally, and the talus distally.
The distal articulation of the tibia and fibula means the place where the tibia and fibula form a joint at the end of the bones farthest from the origin of the limb. The distal articulation of the tibia and fibula is with the talus.
The fibula articulates with the talus distally. The talus is the superiormost of the tarsals.