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hair shaft

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Q: When you have your hair cut the portion of the hair trimmed is called the?
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Related questions

When you get a hair cut what is the portion of hair trimmed called?

Hair Shaft

When you have your hair cut the portion f the hair trimmed is called what?

Hair shaft

What does getting your antlers trimmed mean?

Getting your antlers trimmed typically refers to the practice of removing the velvety covering on deer antlers. This process can help promote antler growth and can also be done for cosmetic reasons in deer breeding operations. It is important to note that this practice should only be done by trained professionals to ensure the safety and well-being of the animal.

What is the summary of for The Haircut?

when the hair on your head gets cut or trimmed.

What does it mean to get hair trimmed?

Trimmed means cut just a little bit, until it is even or to a certain length.

What is ball tip?

If a steak is cut from a trimmed roast, it's called a trimmed tip steak, or ball tip steak.

Did Princeton cut his hair?

yesPrincetonfrom mindless behavior cut his hair on 4/5/13 ..........everyone is mourning right now and a lot of people are pissed off.....noo way are you crazy? he didn't cut his hair he just trimmed it. it was a lateAprilfools joke.

How much body fat does an average lamb have?

It depends on the cut of the meat, and how well the extra fat has been trimmed away. But in general, a portion of lamb has about as much fat as the same-sized portion of steak.

Does natural grow faster after you cut it?

Yes, hair does grow faster after you have them trimmed or cut them. This is due to the fact that sometimes hair can start to split and this causes hair to grow at a slower rate and cutting those split ends allows the hair to grow at a greater speed.

What is the easiest way to grow your hair longer?

Well the easiest way is to not get it cut but the nicest way (which will make your hair look nice ) is just to get it trimmed every now and again.

What is prince Royce new hair cut?

What is prince royce hair cut called

When you get your hair layered how long doe the layers last?

If you want keep the layers the length that you got them cut then you will have to go back and get them trimmed in 6 weeks.