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anatomic site

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Q: When assigning an ICD-9-CM code from the Neoplasm table what is referenced first?
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What is the neoplasm table?

It is an alphabetic index of codes of Neoplasms (tumors) in Chapter 2 of ICD-9-CM.The table lists the anatomical location in the first column. The next six columns relate to the behavior of the neoplasm, described as:1. Primary2. Secondary3. Carcinoma in situ

What are the codes for mohs micrographic surgery of the arm for a poorly defined malignant neoplasm first stage 4 tissue blocks?

CPT 17313

When was Joshua first referenced in the old testament?

Joshua was first referenced in Exodus 17:9.Exodus 17:9Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands."

Which is the first step in Taxonomy?

The first step in taxonomy is identifying and naming organisms, assigning them to a particular group or category based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

When assigning people to categories you often rely first on characteristics such as?

When assigning people to categories, we often rely first on characteristics such as demographic traits (age, gender, ethnicity), behavior patterns (shopping habits, browsing history), and preferences (interests, hobbies). These characteristics provide a framework for segmentation and allow for more targeted categorization and analysis.

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Their first beginning as a band is referenced to the year 2001, when brothers Don and Ryan Clark came together.

When did the spiral staircase first appear?

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The family name is first referenced in 1278 A.D. in Essex, where they had held a family seat as Lords of the Manor.

What indian war is referenced in the sign of four?

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 or The First War of Indian Independence depending upon your point of view.

What is the story what the Room requires From Harry potter?

It first appears in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. But Dumbledore loosely referenced it in Goblet of Fire

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The Byne surname is first referenced in the 13th Century in Surrey, England, where they held estates and a family seat as Lords of the Manor.