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Q: What order of victim's responses should be checked when providing urgent care?
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Guidelines in preparing matching type of test?

· Check your objectives to make sure this type of question is appropriate. · Include more responses than premises OR allow responses to be used more than once. · Put the items with more words in Column A · Arrange items in Column B in either a logical or natural order or alphabetically if there is no apparent organizational basis. · Use numbers to identify items in Column A, capital letters to identify responses in Column B. · Correct answers should not be obvious to those who don't know the content being taught. · Do NOT list premises in the same order as responses, and there should NOT be a pattern in the correct answers. · There should NOT be keywords appearing in both a premise and response providing a clue to the correct answer. · The items should all be part of a common set. It should NOT be possible to subdivide the premises and responses into two or more discrete subsets. · All of the responses and premises for a matching item should appear on the same page. · Directions to the students should explain how many times responses can be used.

When providing proof of life you should?

When providing proof of life, you should include clear and recent photographs or videos of the individual, demonstrate their ability to perform specific actions or tasks, and provide authenticating information such as unique identifiers or responses to specific questions. It is important to ensure that the proof is current and verifiable to confirm the individual's well-being.

You should not try to move accident victims from the scene. true or false?

should you not try to move accident victims from the scene.

Do victims struck by lightning carry an electrical charge and should not be touched?

Victims struck by lightning do not retain an electrical charge and can be touched safely. The main concern is providing medical assistance promptly as they may have injuries from the strike. Once the person is out of immediate danger, it is safe to touch and help them.

Should you try to move accident victims from the scene true or false?

should you not try to move accident victims from the scene.

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your asking for an opinion...

Brake linings should be checked at?

Brake linings should be checked every 3,000 miles.

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yes you should because you never know if bodily fluids come out of the victims mouth

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Yes, victims should have a great role in the criminal law because they are directly affected by some of these activities.

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