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V06.4 is the ICD9 code for MMR immunzation. MMR stands for measles, mumps, and rubella.

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Q: What is the v code for MMR immunization?
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Related questions

When to vaccination MMR immunization?

You need to get MMR twice. A normal schedule is at 1 yo and 4-6 yo.

Is it safe for parent to get mmr and varicella vaccine with a newborn at home since they are live vaccines?

A healthy newborn at home is a reason to get MMR and varicella vaccines, not a reason to avoid them. Be sure to ask your health care provider about influenza and pertussis immunization as well.

What does it mean when titer results for mmr rubeola mumps and varicella are very high?

That means your body has developed antibodies in response to either an immunization or actual infection from the disease. You have been exposed and are now immune.

What is procedure code 90472?

Immunization administration; each additional vaccine

Are their any immunizations that are required and specific for healthcare workers?

In the UK the majority of healthcare workers require immunization against Hep B, Chicken pox, MMR etc. As well as regular tests for diseases such as AIDS.

What are the different kinds of immunizations?

There are a few different kinds of immunizations some you should get and some that is optional. Like the MMR combined vaccine, Varicella, Influenza, Rotavirus, Polio and Hepatitis A, B, C.

What is category for procedure code 90658?

CPT Medicine / Immunization Administration for Vaccines/Toxoids

What is the proper code for the procedure for chickenpox?

There is no "chickenpox procedure." There is a diagnosis code for chickenpox, but no CPT code. There are CPT codes for chickenpox titer, culture, and immunization.

What is cpt code for lab for immunization titers?

V72.61 Antibody Response Examination.Immunity status testing

What is the name of the measles vaccination?

You have live, attenuated viruses in the chicken pox vaccine.

What is the correct ICD-9 code for Twinrix?

V05.3. Need for Prophylactic immunization against Viral Hepatitis

Does mmr titer detect THC?

MMR titer will not detect THC.